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- Create Date July 29, 2021
- Last Updated May 16, 2024
005 Recommended Hardware and Software Specifications
Recommended Hardware and Software Specifications:
Hard drive capacity is essentially not an issue anymore since capacity is cheap and easily expandable. Hard disk speed is of great importance when it comes to disk-intensive operations like storing data. This applies to all forms whether logging into a database or to proprietary datalog files. Hard disks with low rotational speeds (5400rpm) are not recommended in general as their read and write performance typically hinders the overall performance of the system especially when it comes to historical data storage and retrieval
It is recommended in the specifications that enterprise-grade drives be used. Enterprise-grade disk drives are characterised by greater reliability in that the rated time between failures (MTBF) tends to be several orders higher than standard desktop grade drives. Caution must be exercised when considering drives with faster rotational speeds as well as solid-state drives since reliability varies greatly depending on model and manufacturer.
Network speed represents only part of network performance and it is important to consider network latency (turnaround time) when understanding overall performance. A "fast" network with high latencies will result in overall poor performance when considering more "chatty" transactional network traffic such as that between Adroit Client and Server Applications.
Similarly, network stability also comes into play. It is vital that the network supporting any SCADA system be stable.
In the specifications, the minimum CPU specification indicated are determined based on the median size and configuration for projects in general. However, it is possible to configure and execute projects on less performant hardware, based on the experience and testing of the project execution. CPUs including the Intel Atom C series, Intel Atom P Series and Intel Celeron J Series could be utilized, especially for HMI projects. A minimum of two cores are required.
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